Departure from village Tezg, in Radomirë. The best departure time is at 07:00 and at 11:30 we are on top of Mount Korab. Return to the village at 12:30. This tour lasts 8 hours. ** Accommodation one night before in Radomire.
In front of Korabi Mountain stands Sorokoli Mountain. These two mountains are united and divided by the field of Korab. This mountain consists of rafters with bark and block structure.
There is a trailing form on northwest – southeast, between the Bushtrica valley in the north and that of Veleshica in the south. As a result of tectonic blocks, Muntain Sorokoli is divided in two parts the southeastern part that also represents the highest relief which reaches the Zufre Tower in 2372 m above the sea level and northwestern part that extends in the Black Drin Valley.The northern slope between Sorokoli and Zufre Tower is modeled by glacered circles while in southeast falls steeply over the Velesica Valley. The back of Mount Sorokol is shaped by a neogeneous surface, creating a soft relief, almost flat where its most amazing part is the stream of Lush, famous for its beauties, spring flowers and great wealth biodiversity, especially of rare species. Guests that visit the massive of Korab are mostly fascinated by the highlighted contrasts between high sharpy peaks with alpine nature and valleys, gorges, deep groves and holes.