Departure from village of Kërçisht i Sipërm. The best departure time is at 07:30 am and at 13:00 we are on the top of the mountain of Kërçini. Return to village at 13:30. This tour lasts 8 hours. ** Accommodation one night before in Peshkopi.
Këçini Mountain, 2000 m high, is in the upper (northern) part of the commune of Maqellarë. Main attractions are pastures that are rich in vegetation, Stone of Kërçini, Plane of Kërçini, and Rocky Hill of Pocest. Stone of Kërçinit is a natural monument. It is near village of Kerçisht, 2000 m high. It is a limestone rock with specific shapes of round 12.5 ha. It is the place for the organization of religious celebrations of pagan origin. The Rocky Hill of Pocest is a cultural monument, too. It is located near village of Pocest, 1500 m above the sea level. It has a rich and diverse habitat grown on a limestone territory (hornbeam, beech, maple, and ash woods, hazelnuts, juniper, wild apple, wild rose, etc.). Pocesti Waterfall is 13 m high at 1500 m above the sea level and its water comes out of a huge split on the limestone rock thus creating a big limestone water source. Kërçini Limestone Source is near the village of Kërçisht, 1670 m above the sea level. It has clean and cold water and creates an attractive surrounding environment. Kërçini Plane is located in the middle of Lower Kërçisht village at round 700 meter above the sea level. It is round 250 years old. Church of Saint Dimitri is a byzantine church dating on the 19th century. It is the most maintained church among five churches of Kërçisht (others are almost ruined). These five churches have been built in specific places establishing a cross. The ceiling of the church is painted with frescos. It is thought that another church used to exist in Kërçini mountain. Orthodox churches of the area used to have relationships with churches in the territory of Macedonia